Characterization of the pedagogic talkative style for the student motivation in adolescents

Characterization of the pedagogic talkative style for the student motivation in adolescents


  • Jesús Cuéllar Álvarez Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, Cuba
  • Melva García Martínez Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, Cuba


adolescence, communication, motivation, teaching learning, didactics


Introduction: the objective of the investigation is to characterize the pedagogic talkative style for the student motivation in adolescents.
Materials and methods: was carried out a traverse descriptive study, in the period understood among October 2020 to October 2021, with adolescent students of the educational institute "Mariano Clemente Grassland" of Santa Clara's town, Cuba. Systemic, historical-logical and analytic-synthetic theoretical methods are used; as well as empiric: it interviews students and they interviews the students.
Results: it was verified difficulties in the face of the understanding of the pedagogic communication and they refer to feel without motivation from the process of teaching learning.
Discussion: Education for communication may be the best orientation at a preventive level to promote solutions to conflict situations in a constructive manner between the parties involved in the educational and teaching process.
Conclusions: features of a teaching in the memory are evidenced like they are the non-identification of the essential thing of the content, difficulties before the communication pedagogic educational and little motivation in the contents before the process of teaching learning with the students.


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How to Cite

Cuéllar Álvarez, J. ., & García Martínez, M. . (2023). Characterization of the pedagogic talkative style for the student motivation in adolescents: Characterization of the pedagogic talkative style for the student motivation in adolescents. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 108–112. Retrieved from


