Influence of the novel "A la Costa" in the formation of regional dialects in Ecuador

Influence of the novel "A la Costa" in the formation of regional dialects in Ecuador


  • Mónica Gioconda Pacheco Silva Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador


regional dialects, literary workshops, didactic guide


Introduction: The purpose of the research is to examine the causes-effects of the problem so that the students, based on the proposal of the literary workshops, can strengthen their linguistic skills to become familiar with the regional dialects that can be adequately adapted to the oral expression to in favor of the quality of Literature teaching.
Materials and methods: Techniques such as the survey and the interview are used in addition to conducting a bibliographic review.
Results: According to the data obtained, the teachers of the educational institution consider that the curriculum has the correct number of works for the study use of the students. However, it must be taken into account that the reality of the texts with which students work contains works, but which are studied briefly for which the teacher should be a little more in-depth and encourage students to get to know them in depth. the works and not stay with the brief information of the work text.
Discussion: The different interpretations that can be used within the Spanish language, with the use of regional dialects have led to an evolution of Spanish. To validate the theme and proposal of this work, referents that are related to the theme are cited to be applied in the area of Language and Literature.
Conclusions: The study and reading of Ecuadorian novels is still limited, because the educational unit still does not have a strategy guide to help motivate students to read works to develop reading and communication skills, understanding different dialects.
Keywords: regional dialects; literary workshops; didactic guide.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Silva, M. G. . (2023). Influence of the novel "A la Costa" in the formation of regional dialects in Ecuador: Influence of the novel "A la Costa" in the formation of regional dialects in Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 72–81. Retrieved from


