Gamification of the formative evaluation process of students in the area of language and literature

Gamification of the formative evaluation process of students in the area of language and literature


  • Francisco Alberto Gurumendi-Alvarado Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Martha Yenny Laz-Carreño Unidad Educativa El Empalme, Ecuador
  • Jasmin Jessenia Sabando-Rodriguez Escuela de Educación Básica 2 de Mayo, Ecuador


Gamification, formative assessment, language and literature


Gamification is an innovative strategy that allows learning by playing, in recent years great changes and transformations have been generated in educational processes. This research aims to: Analyze the Gamification didactic strategy to improve the process of formative evaluation in the area of language and literature with children in the seventh year of secondary basic education. As methods, it uses the qualitative-quantitative approach in an exploratory, descriptive work. and field, the study of the techniques used in the instruments, surveys of seventh grade students and their teachers with the purpose of innovating the traditional practice in their way of evaluating. Improvement was verified through a training process, the formative evaluation from the contents of language and literature.


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How to Cite

Gurumendi-Alvarado, F. A. ., Laz-Carreño, M. Y. ., & Sabando-Rodriguez, J. J. . (2022). Gamification of the formative evaluation process of students in the area of language and literature: Gamification of the formative evaluation process of students in the area of language and literature. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1883–1890. Retrieved from




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