The use of the educational resources opened up in the subject clinical Pharmacology

The use of the educational resources opened up in the subject clinical Pharmacology


  • Neity Mendo-Alcolea Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Dania Diaz-Marin Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Luis Ricardo Manet-Lahera Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


open educational resources, methods of teaching learning, clinical pharmacology


It was carried out a descriptive study of traverse court with the objective of checking the use of the open educational resources, in the teaching of the clinical Pharmacology in the University of Medical Sciences of Santiago from Cuba, during the second semester of the course 2020-2021. Para to develop the above-mentioned, he/she was carried out a registration of the use on the part of 150 students of third year of Medicine of the virtual classroom of this institution, to which were applied a survey, being obtained the following results: 56,6 % of the pupils used the open educational resources designed for the learning of the subject, 100 % of the students consented to the guides of questions designed with view to the execution of the general objectives of the discipline and 63,3 % of the educational it considers that the resources educational employees in the education are excellent.


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How to Cite

Mendo-Alcolea, N. ., Diaz-Marin, D. ., & Manet-Lahera, L. R. . (2022). The use of the educational resources opened up in the subject clinical Pharmacology: The use of the educational resources opened up in the subject clinical Pharmacology. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1849–1855. Retrieved from


