Educational app as a pedagogical tool to promote good eating habits in schoolchildren in the Bolívar canton
Educational app as a pedagogical tool to promote good eating habits in schoolchildren in the Bolívar canton
educational mobile application, eating habits, pedagogical tools, Nutrition GameAbstract
This research aims to enrich learning environments in children, new technologies and media in education are valuable tools to undertake changes and innovations that have an impact on the formation of children, games in education aim to help children students to remember what they have learned, since active participation fosters knowledge, there is an urgent need to have innovative proposals that contribute to improving the quality of life of human beings and renew the contents that respond to the problem of bad habits food. Objective: to create a mobile application that makes it easier for children to learn about the origin and effect on their body of the foods they usually consume. The educational mobile application was created as friendly pedagogical tools to take advantage of attention and teach the child while having fun, considering the knowledge included in the content they are consuming.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ligia E. Zambrano-Solórzano , Rosa V. González-Zambrano , Denise Ilcen Contreras Zapata , Lourdes M. Crespo Zafra
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