Delivery of content in Virtual Teaching Environments Learning in higher education

Delivery of content in Virtual Teaching Environments Learning in higher education


  • Mayelnay Navarro-Duharte Institución de Enseñanza Superior “Hermanos Marañón” de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Virtual surroundingses, Metodología, educational technologies


With the integration of technologies and computer resources linked to the epidemiological situation of the country and the world, which have brought about new ways and strategies to continue the development of the country in all its social sectors, such as education; have forced the use of technology as a means of educational continuity. For this purpose, the objective of the research, to support the process of imparting professional content in the context of higher institutions of the Ministry of the Interior and its dynamics, through Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments. Although teachers use the e-mail activity to assign independent work to students, they do not favor the use of the blog option for the development of activities that promote individual work by students, eventually using the questionnaire activity to plan evaluation actions through the same; instead they develop the traditional evaluation through oral and written exams.


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How to Cite

Navarro-Duharte, M. . (2022). Delivery of content in Virtual Teaching Environments Learning in higher education: Delivery of content in Virtual Teaching Environments Learning in higher education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1760–1768. Retrieved from


