Didactic strategy for the technical preparation of stealing second base in Baseball in the sub-23 category

Didactic strategy for the technical preparation of stealing second base in Baseball in the sub-23 category


  • Eddys Enrique Maturell-Rigondeaux Academia Provincial de Beisbol Fermín Laffita de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Maizie Fuestes-Sanchez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Reynaldo Castro-Cisneros Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Cuban baseball, advance or advance, wait or preparatory, reaction or response, slip of the hand


The objective of this article is to elaborate a didactic strategy for the technical preparation in the content of teaching Baseball second base stealing within the under-23 category in the province of Santiago de Cuba and was based on a study of the III National Series. Through the application of scientific methods such as: systemic-structural-functional, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, observation, surveys, test for second base theft and statistical-mathematical (t student, mean and percentage calculation). The exercises of the strategy were applied during 16 microcycles of general and special preparation, in which the effectiveness in the execution of the second base robbery was verified in a large percentage of the group and with it, increase the offensive performance with runners in position. scorer regarding the III National Series.


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How to Cite

Maturell-Rigondeaux, E. E. ., Fuestes-Sanchez, M. ., & Castro-Cisneros, R. . (2022). Didactic strategy for the technical preparation of stealing second base in Baseball in the sub-23 category: Didactic strategy for the technical preparation of stealing second base in Baseball in the sub-23 category. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1589–1619. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5712


