Management of academic stress in psychopedagogy students at the University of Quevedo
Management of academic stress in psychopedagogy students at the University of Quevedo
academic stress, academic stressors, educational psychologist training and stress coping strategiesAbstract
In the specific case of the university context, since the end of the 1990s, the category of academic stress has emerged, which affects the system of relationships established in the scenario of university coexistence. The subject of the study is the management of academic stress in psychopedagogy students. The objective is to characterize the management of stress in the students of the Psychopedagogy career, of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the State Technical University of Quevedo. This research is of a qualitative type, for which methods and techniques of analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction were used, for the comparison and analysis of the data collected through the surveys; the computational processing of the results was carried out using SPSS software. The results showed the frequent perception of the student about the academic stressors that affect their initial training as well as the weaknesses of stress management in the career.
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