Psychomotor education for autonomy in childhood




psychomotor education, psychomotor development, autonomy, childhood


Working on psychomotricity plays an important role in the comprehensive development of the student, so the teacher must guide and mediate from psychomotor education, allowing the strengthening of language, thought, cognition, as well as social and affective skills. The objective of the study is to analyze the importance of psychomotor education in the development of autonomy in infants. The method used was the analytical-synthetic. The results reveal that psychomotricity allows the development of autonomy, concluding that psychomotor education allows acquiring positive resources for self-assessment, self-confidence and self-knowledge, facilitating a more critical and active position of the child in his interpersonal relationships. Finally, it is verified that the game constitutes an activity that favors autonomy, revealing pedagogical autonomy and ludic-didactic resources as enhancers of autonomy in infants from psychomotor education.


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How to Cite

(2022). Psychomotor education for autonomy in childhood: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(2), 746–753. Retrieved from


