The use of ICTs and Multiple Intelligences in Upper Basic and Baccalaureate students




Multiple intelligences, information, communication, technologies, meaningful learning


This research on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Multiple Intelligences (IM). It arises from the need to know how the different intelligences of children and young people can be used in the classroom, enhancing them through ICTs as tools that have changed educational, social and economic environments worldwide. As such, the proposed objective is to apply ICTs for the development of IM in Upper Basic and Baccalaureate students of the Narciso Cerda Educational Unit. For this work the inductive, deductive and statistical method is used, it is there that through the use of the survey carried out to teachers and students, it was possible to verify that the largest number of teachers do not use ICTs so that the class is dynamic. In addition, the need for teacher training in the use of ICTs to enhance the IM of students is ratified. In conclusion, it is evident that the use of ICTs is necessary for the development of IM in the students of the Narciso Cerda Maldonado Educational Unit.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2022). The use of ICTs and Multiple Intelligences in Upper Basic and Baccalaureate students: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 28–37. Retrieved from


