The leadership style of the director and satisfaction in the student of the Technological Institutes




Leadership, Satisfaction, Schools, Directors


The objective of the study was to determine the leadership style (transformational and transactional) exercised by the Director from the students' perception, as well as the satisfaction that these students experience in a Public Technological Education Institute (IESTP). The methodology had a quantitative approach, an advanced descriptive level with a correlation design. Transformational leadership is shown to have quite a positive impact on student satisfaction. Furthermore, transactional leadership, unlike other studies, is also an important determinant of student satisfaction. The leadership exercised by the Directors of the Institutes is satisfactory for the students, highlighting positive interpersonal relationships, active identification with the institution; participation in events. It concludes by revealing the need to continue exploring the aspects of critical thinking as an essential attribute of transformational leadership.


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How to Cite

(2021). The leadership style of the director and satisfaction in the student of the Technological Institutes: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 244–252. Retrieved from



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