The organizational climate and labor performance in the management of public institutions in Peru




Public company; Public administration; Organizational change; Business Administration


The article aimed to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and job performance in the management of public institutions in Peru. The methodology approached was under a qualitative approach, carrying out a descriptive, correlational type of work, based on a transectional design. From the study regarding current organizations, it represents a challenge, the continuous improvement of work performance, since it not only constitutes one of the ways to achieve progress towards excellence but also helps in the expected organizational climate. It is observed from the review carried out that the predominant organizational climates are the exploitative authoritarian and the participative one, however it is evidenced that the employees act favorably when this type of climate is generated, favoring themselves in greater significance when the group participatory is used, inasmuch as allows them to generate contributions that are taken into account for the fulfillment of institutional goals.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). The organizational climate and labor performance in the management of public institutions in Peru: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 130–141. Retrieved from



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