Pedagogical leadership and its impact on the development of critical thinking
Pedagogical leadership, development of thinking and critical thinkingAbstract
Current times demand the need to have more leaders in all areas, which is not far from the educational area, where it is necessary to train pedagogical leaders capable of exerting changes in a new way of thinking through criticism and reflection, to lead to a pertinent decision-making, that is why the present study aims to analyze the relevance of pedagogical leadership and its influential impact on the development of critical thinking. The method used is documentary analysis. Among the relevant results, it has been found that pedagogical leadership exerts a positive impact to develop and activate critical thinking, because the authors affirm that leaders need capacities, among which reason and judgment stand out, which makes it possible to make relevant decisions, assertive, and timely in the proper use of the development of critical thinking to solve problems of daily life inherent in student learning.
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