The fortification of the cultural identification in students of first year of Licentiate in Education, Spanish-Literature




culture, identity, identification, Spanish-Literature


Language is a reflected of culture and identity. The martiano´s work is a suitable vehicle to strenghen it, that´s why it´s integration. The elaboration and application of a didactic procedure for the fortification of the cultural identification in the students of finst year of licenciate in Education, Spanish-Literature in the University José Martí, situated in Sancti Spíritus has a great usefulness. The research has as an objective to construct a procedure that allows the sts´ know abaut their cultural expressions. Where, they´ll be able to recognize distinguish and get involved with their identity formation. For the development of this work we´ll applied methods and techniques such as inductive-deductive, analitic-synthetic, historic-logic, system approach, observation, intervien, inquiry, analysis of documents, discussion groups, field notes. The didactic procedure has three stages: preparatory, execution and evaluation. This result was constructed by means oftheorics budget studied and strengthens and weaknesses detected in the diagnosis.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). The fortification of the cultural identification in students of first year of Licentiate in Education, Spanish-Literature: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(2), 412–425. Retrieved from


