The Information technologies and communication: useful tool for the generation of knowledge




ICT, generation of knowledge, university.


In the era of knowledge and computerization, they have without any doubt entered the technologies in the several spaces of the social, historic reality, industrial and cultural, having directly an effect on our quotidian life. Today the society is marked for the interchange of flows of information and an accelerated utilization of the knowledge like platform for the development of almost all activities of the human being between them education; So that it considers himself opportune accomplishing a study that evidence the importance that they review Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) for the generation of knowledge accomplishing a study that evidence the importance that they review Information Technologies and the Communication for the generation of knowledge. This article has like objective to distinguish his utility in terms of the universities Cubans.


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How to Cite

(2021). The Information technologies and communication: useful tool for the generation of knowledge: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(1), 41–50. Retrieved from


