Strategy for the formation of the investigative component in the students of the Higher Technician of the short cycle in the Nursing career




strategy, student, investigative


The nursing staff professional formation aimed at fomenting health and getting the physical and social well-being and to integrate teaching the services and investigation in such a way that if should permit to guarantee the quality of the professional practice in the medical sciences .This strategy groups the curricular ways proposed for the laboral  and investigative formation of the students which at the same time will enable them the mastery of the TIC as well as it offers them the means for them to develop abilities that are required  for the search of knowledge ,since in their first year they don't receive any subjects that helps them to carry out the book revision oriented in their syllabus it is centered on the discipline of informatics in health and nursing, principal integrating discipline and other subjects of the studying plan participate .


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Strategy for the formation of the investigative component in the students of the Higher Technician of the short cycle in the Nursing career: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 231–245. Retrieved from



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