The Mariposa extension project for the dignity of women




university extensión, gender, extension project, Mariposa Project, Cuba


For Cuban educational institutions, gender equity and the promotion of the corresponding policies are essential for the educational process. The emergence of different spaces where women are recognized in any of the social spheres where they are developed has taken into account the elimination of stereotypes and heteronormative behavior patterns inherited from a patriarchal society in which men and women differ not only in their anatomy, also in their social condition. Cuba is advancing in the development of gender equity processes, there are still vestiges of patriarchy regulating different social processes. For this reason, in the area of university extension spaces and projects are developed that are configured to pay homage to the working woman. The objectives of the study were: 1) socialize the results obtained from a university extension project to highlight the work of women and 2) examine the theoretical and methodological approach of the Mariposa Project. Mariposa is a project that has been born since 2012 to stimulate consecrated women who work or have worked at the Universdad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba. The project presents a humanistic and emancipatory approach to women.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). The Mariposa extension project for the dignity of women: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 951–959. Retrieved from


