Martian vision of the relationship man-nature




nature; man; aesthetics; ethics; science


Entering the Martian work is not an easy task. He presents work based on analyzing the Martian vision about the relationship between man and nature, recognizing this as a source of inspiration for man, he could paint it or simply contemplate it to take care of it. For the realization of it, it was based on a bibliographic search of the main Martian writings referring to nature and its link with man. The hermeneutics contributed to the analysis of these texts. It is necessary to clarify that in this search the historical conditions must be taken into account so as not to extrapolate ideas or concepts. Among the main results is the Martian vision of nature in aspects: ethical, aesthetic, productive and scientific, which lead to a dialectical understanding of nature and the place of man in it.


1. Hart, A. (1997). Pensar al Che. (tomo 1). La Habana: Editorial José Martí.
2. Martí, J. (1988). Obras Completas. (tomos 6, 7. 8, 21 y 23). La Habana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación.
3. Ortiz, A. (2008). La perspectiva filosófica de la relación hombre-naturaleza y su expresión en figuras representativas de la ciencia en Cuba. (tesis inédita de doctorado). Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
4. Toledo, J. (1993). En torno a la relación Hombre-naturaleza en José Martí. Sus criterios ecológicos. Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos, 16.
5. Vitier, C. (1994). Algunas reflexiones sobre José Martí. Gaceta de Cuba, 5.



How to Cite

, & . (2020). Martian vision of the relationship man-nature: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 150–160. Retrieved from

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