Interactive teaching medium of General and Analytical Chemistry for students of Engineering in Agronomy




study guide, teaching medium, interactive power point


The present investigation was carried out due to difficulties of the students of Engineering in Agronomy for self-learning in the Municipal University Center of Palma Soriano. The objective of this was to develop an interactive tool to link the study guide of the General and Analytical Chemistry subject with a virtual environment. To evaluate its effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, a survey was carried out in the first year of the degree. Their feasibility was corroborated when evaluating these students and those of Agro-Industrial Process Engineering who were the control group. The teaching medium, which is an interactive power point, contributes to self-learning, which was confirmed with the results of the applied instruments.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Interactive teaching medium of General and Analytical Chemistry for students of Engineering in Agronomy: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(3), 497–506. Retrieved from




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