Identification of the academic and biopsychological factors in students of the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí
Retention, attrition, degree, bipsychologicalAbstract
The objective of this research was to determine the academic and bipsychological profile of the students who enter the undergraduate courses of the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, April – 2018 / March-2019. The methodology used was the field and documentary research and through the instruments of the interview and survey the collection, tabulation and analysis of the information were facilitated; The survey was applied to a total of 821 students and the interview to the eight career directors: Agroindustry, Veterinary Medicine, Environmental Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Tourism, Computing, Business Administration and Public Administration. The statistical software SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) in its version 25 was used to process the quantitative data.
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