The process of comprehensive professional training of the degree in construction education. Characteristics and singularities




integral professional training, Bachelor in Construction Education, basic link


This research has revealed the need to take into account the relationships between the actors, the contexts and the processes in which the professional training of the Bachelor of Construction Educationis developed to improve it. Hence the intention of socializing some reflections on the epistemological foundations of this field, to reveal an epistemic position that contributes to improving the formation of the Bachelor of Construction Education.Given the qualitative nature of this inquiry, a bibliographic study of the literature regarding the subject is chosen and the information is collected through the analysis of the documentation and the experience of the authors.The result is an epistemological systematization of different categories and the approach of the necessary conditions to improve the professional process. This result demonstrates the need to argue new theoretical assumptions that support this process tempered to its characteristics and singularities



How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). The process of comprehensive professional training of the degree in construction education. Characteristics and singularities: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(2), 248–263. Retrieved from


