The family in the axiological training of adolescents in Basic Secondary Education


  • Sequessa Judith Chirepuque Ministerio de Educación, Luanda


values, adolescents, family, axiological training


The formation of values is a part of the socialization process that takes place in any society in the different educational scenarios: family, school, political system, mass media, the community and others, with the aim of developing the type of personality that reproduces said social system; but in this set of influences the school plays a leading and integrating role in the direction of the global process, hence the importance of deepening in the level of effectiveness with which it fulfills its educational function, revealing the main contradictions and the different alternatives of improvement that They exist in this important educational element. Different scientific methods were used such as synthesis analysis, induction deduction, structural systemic, observation and techniques such as the survey, the interview, among others.


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How to Cite

(2019). The family in the axiological training of adolescents in Basic Secondary Education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(2), 435–444. Retrieved from


