Environmental education of primary level teachers and their professional development in Mexico


  • Ediht Vivar-Nava Delegación Regional de Servicios Educativos, Tlapa, Guerrero


environmental education, environment, vocational development, training, preparation


The environmental education is an issue that many researchers in recent times have directed their studies towards finding ways and alternatives that encourage its development in the process of teaching and learning at all educational levels. It is the opinion that this education should begin within the basic level with preparation and capabilities of the teacher, because if it has the necessary elements for their development as personal characteristics features and professionals, to coordinate their activity, may be reputable to ease teaching and learning styles in students. However the pedagogical practice and the literature consulted the evidence that primary education in special education is implemented, but not the environmental education, which has not been sufficiently considered in the plans and programs of study in this level.


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How to Cite

(2018). Environmental education of primary level teachers and their professional development in Mexico. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(4), 549–558. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/4348


