The development of the abilities of comprehension and interpretation of scientific and technical reading texts in the technical and professional education. A necessity of he Agropecuarian Polytechnical Institutes


  • Armando Paz-Aguilera Sede Pedagógica Municipal San Luis


This research work is aimed at improving the teaching learning process of reading in English with specific purposes in the agropecuarian polytechnical institutes (API) regarding the abilities of comprension and interpretation of scientific and technical reading text. It also provides a linguistic conception based in: the classification and a characterization of the types of texts to be used in the already mentioned process, the functions of the interpretation of  scientific and technical reading texts, the description of the levels of the practice­investigative interpretation as the particular manifestation of this abilitity during the processing of these types of texts; as the support of the proposal of the system of exercises to develop comprehension and the interpretation, which  permit the adequate processing of the  text scientific text in order to comprehend it, make valuation upon it, develop the  personal interpretation in practice, test the reader’s congestions and  deductions and link them with its expediencies. In this way the research gives answers to demands the State ask education regarding the  formation of a technical professional able to use the English language as a means of studying and consultation and avoid the fact of dedicating so much financial and material recourses in the translation of the technical information published in this foreign language.



How to Cite

(2016). The development of the abilities of comprehension and interpretation of scientific and technical reading texts in the technical and professional education. A necessity of he Agropecuarian Polytechnical Institutes. Maestro Y Sociedad, 4(3). Retrieved from




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