

  • Ángela Matilde Vega-Acuña Sede Pedagógica de Informática


The disfunction for deficit of attention with hyperactivity is manifested through three basic symptoms: hyperactivity, impulsiveness and lack of attention. The scholars that present it have difficulties to maintain the control of their movements and the attention during the classes. One of the problems that worries the parents and children's teachers more resides in their school evolution, for the reasonable fear of a smaller academic yield due to their attention difficulties and for the behaviour problems that they present. These children, as well as their parents and teachers are desperate when not knowing what to make to overcome this problem that affects in the formation and development of its personality, in its learning, in their interpersonal relationships and in the achievement of a stability at home and in the school. That’s why an appropriate diagnosis of the scholars allows the teachers to offer a correct individualized attention in equality of possibilities to each boy with the objective of contributing to its integral formation, avoiding in this way that the scholars with this disfunction could be rejected in the school by their partners and friends and even for their own family, or they shown more and more unmotivated to overcome their difficulties, and that way only drive them toward a dysfunction of worse presage: the behavior disfunction.



How to Cite

(2016). Maestro Y Sociedad, 4(3). Retrieved from




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