The game as resource for the exploration of Speech Language Pathology


  • Nancy Collado-Sánchez Universidad de Cienfuegos, Sede “Conrado Benítez García”
  • Leticia Hernández-Barrios Universidad de Cienfuegos, Sede “Conrado Benítez García”
  • Maricely Calderón-Laguardia Universidad de Cienfuegos, Sede “Conrado Benítez García”


game, Speech Language Pathology, language, communication


This piece of work focuses on the importance of game as resource for the Speech Language Pathology: process in which the particularities of communication and girls and boys language who have special educative needs  are investigated; the content is included in the own curriculum of the programs of study of the second year of the career of Speech Language Pathology with the aim of preparing the students to achieve this process of diagnosis throughout the use of this valuable resource that an infant activity constitutes for excellence, in which the children feel satisfaction and it is a powerful educational mean for the formation of personality on them. This article offers suggestions of games that may be used for the Speech Language Pathology exploration and it responds to the educative project related to improve of teaching training in Cienfuegos.



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). The game as resource for the exploration of Speech Language Pathology. Maestro Y Sociedad, 12(1), 50–56. Retrieved from


