Pre-During-Post Methodology focused on listening for teaching English in educational environments
Palabras clave:
PDP methodology, educational environments, strategies, cognitive process, motivation, listeningResumen
Introduction: There are abilities that aid in learning English in a globalized society where it is the most widely spoken language. Although listening is an essential ability for students learning a second language, most students struggle to comprehend what others are saying. Materials and methods: Using the PDP methodology, this study analyzes the importance of good listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in classroom settings. In order to gather data through field research using tools that enable gaining an overview of the study conducted from many points of view, a mixed-approach methodology with a descriptive orientation was utilized. This methodology included surveys, observation sheets, and interviews. Results and discussion: The results show that using the PDP approach aids in the improvement of English language listening abilities and that these are crucial techniques for gaining a deeper comprehension of the relationship between technology implementation or didactic materials towards teaching a foreign language such as English through the incorporation of various study strategies for meaningful teaching. Conclusions: It has been determined that teachers should use this technique with a variety of activities to help students improve their listening skills, inspire them to overcome challenges, and drive them to succeed.
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Derechos de autor 2025 Andrés David Anchundia Ponce, Thalía Maricela Arroyo Villa, Henry Xavier Mendoza Ponce, Javier Antonio Zambrano Mero, Víctor Efrén Alcívar Calderón

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