Actions for the use of the scientific investigation as tool in the management of education institution


  • Javier Miguel Eiris-Sanjurjo Universidad de Camagüey
  • Luisel Cruz-Méndez Universidad de Camagüey
  • Liusby Falcón-Eiris Universidad de Camagüey


management, investigation, projec


The piece of work offers the experience obtained at the Municipal University Center of Cespedes referring to the impact of evaluation of the scientific activity specially the implementation of institutional projects, starting from the need the managers have of being prepared for these theme and could give solution to the problems inherent to the process of management. Thus, the objective of the piece of paper is intended to offer actions for the use of the scientific investigation as tool in managing educational institutions. In this since there are implemented actions for the scientific research training for teachers in functions of managing so as to use them as indispensable tools for managing the schools. At putting into practice the actions in the educative institutions of "Carlos Manuel de Cespedez“ Municipality it is achieved the use of institutional project as via of for introducing scientific achievements making possible the positive transformation of the problems affecting the institutions. The actions are appointed to achieve an, accurate diagnosis of the teachers for treating their limitations since  the methodological work and the professional upgrading; the introduction of the scientific achievements with the wished impact; as well as, propitiating the culture of measuring impacts in different processes that lead the school as micro-university. These  achievements guarantee the meaning of actions implemented in practice.



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). Actions for the use of the scientific investigation as tool in the management of education institution. Maestro Y Sociedad, 12(4), 56–65. Retrieved from


