Curricular Strategy for the agricultural economical training in the mid Accountant technician


  • Alejandro Luis-Salomón Universidad Oriente
  • Ivette Elena Ortega-Rosés Universidad Oriente
  • Claudio J. Carracedo-González Universidad Oriente


curriculum, strategy, aesthetic, motivation


Curricular strategies constitutes pedagogical approaches of the teaching-learning process, that are conducted with the purpose of achieving the general objectives related to knowledge, skills and ways of professional behavior, which are keystones to the training process and impossible to be achieved from a discipline or a subject only, not even training them with comprehensive studies. Sometimes, more than one curricular unit is required to the whole degree course. Those from the exercise of profession are fundamental to achieve knowledge, skills and ways of professional behavior which respond efficiently to the background of the graduates. The foundations to achieve these aspects: mechanisms of implementation, direction and control of teaching-learning process; which not all the times are implemented having a multilateral, efficient and systematical way intentionally, are useful to fulfill the tasks and to incorporate them as essential tools for several years in the final academic courses for the performance of; particularly in the education of work (the main way of organizing teaching-learning process). Essential mechanisms were suggested, as well as detailed aspects as true invariants that should not be left behind to its accomplishment. 



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). Curricular Strategy for the agricultural economical training in the mid Accountant technician. Maestro Y Sociedad, 12(4), 1–7. Retrieved from


