Parental mediation and the use of the internet in educational inclusion from digital citizenship in adolescents
Adolescents, digital citizenship, educational inclusion, active parental mediation, internet useAbstract
Introduction: Parental mediation includes how parents get involved in the use that young people give to digital tools such as the Internet on different devices, which are a risk when not used responsibly and assertively at an early age, and vulnerable as adolescence is. The objective of this research work is to analyze the relationship between parental mediation and the development of digital citizenship skills in adolescents to promote their educational inclusion. Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach study was carried out, with a non-experimental correlational design, with a non-probabilistic sampling design. Results: The findings suggest that educational and parental mediation strategies could require a differentiated approach by gender, attending to the different needs and levels of development in digital citizenship and thus better contribute to the educational inclusion of these adolescents. Conclusions: significant differences were shown between men and women in terms of digital citizenship and performance, as well as in technological use and the impact of cultural expectations.
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