Financial performance of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Ecuador, Segment 3, period 2019-2022


  • Jenny Isabel Zambrano Delgado Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí “Manuel Félix López”, Ecuador


analysis, CAMELS, Savings and Credit Cooperatives, financial performance, risk levels


Introduction: Savings and Credit Cooperatives (COACs) of Ecuador represent a fundamental pillar in the socio-economic development of the country, therefore, their financial performance is crucial to guarantee their stability and promote sustainable growth. Objective: analyze the financial performance of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Ecuador belonging to Segment 3, period 2019-2022. Materials and methods: The research was developed under a quantitative and descriptive approach; using the CAMELS financial analysis method to identify risk levels in the 6 COACs of the coastal region that have remained in Segment 3 during the study period. Results: sA level three financial risk was determined for the majority of the cooperatives evaluated, with greater deficiencies in the degree of absorption of the financial margin, ROA, Operating ROA, ROE and Liquidity indicators. Discussion: The study cooperatives show significant weaknesses due to a high degree of financial margin absorption, low levels of profit generation from assets, core operations and equity, and difficulties in maintaining high levels of liquidity over time. over time. Conclusions: The financial performance of the evaluated institutions is less than satisfactory, with weaknesses and dissatisfactions that need to be addressed as a priority, highlighting the importance of implementing corrective measures to strengthen their financial health and ensure their ability to meet their objectives and future responsibilities.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Delgado, J. I. (2024). Financial performance of the Savings and Credit Cooperatives of Ecuador, Segment 3, period 2019-2022. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1073–1083. Retrieved from




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