Unknowing, concealment, and recognition of the rights of LGBTI individuals from ethical perspectives and human rights theories: a look at the reality of discrimination, exclusion, and violence in Ecuador


  • Gabriela Dennice Sánchez Velásquez Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador


Human rights, discrimination, LGBTI, ethical perspectives, violence


Introduction: The unawareness and concealment of LGBTI individuals have initiated processes aimed at protecting and guaranteeing the rights of the LGBTI population, oriented towards the recognition of their rights and the eradication of discrimination, exclusion, and violence against diversity. Objective: The research aims to reveal the situation of discrimination, exclusion, and violence against the Ecuadorian LGBTI population, the national and international framework for the protection of LGBTI rights, ethical perspectives of conquest, and human rights theories, principles, and characteristics of human rights that have influenced the unawareness, concealment, and recognition of rights. Materials and Methods: The research is descriptive, using the descriptive comparative method with a qualitative approach and a jurisprudential dogmatic mode, plus the technique of analysis and linking of data collected from interviews. Results: In Ecuador, 50.5% of the LGBTI population has been discriminated against in private spaces and 55.8% in public spaces; 71.4% have been excluded in private spaces and 60.8% in public spaces; 52.1% have been victims of violence in private spaces and 65.6% in public spaces. Discussion: The discussion focuses on the development of ethical and theoretical knowledge of human rights that has justified the unawareness, concealment, and recognition of LGBTI rights. Conclusions: The research concludes by analyzing the ethics and human rights theories that have served as justification for naturalizing inequality, unawareness, and late recognition of human rights of the LGBTI population in national and international regulations.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Velásquez, G. D. (2024). Unknowing, concealment, and recognition of the rights of LGBTI individuals from ethical perspectives and human rights theories: a look at the reality of discrimination, exclusion, and violence in Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 170–175. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6457