Paths, legends, and memory: an ethnographic perspective on the trade of muleteers along the Sígsig-Gualaquiza route, Ecuador


  • Nelly Méndez Carchi Colegio de Michoacán- Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos, México
  • Lennin Mendieta Cabrera Colegio de Michoacán- Centro de Estudios Arqueológicos, México
  • Fausto Fabricio Quichimbo Saquichagua Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador
  • Kajekai Juwa Tuntuam Klever Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador


muleteers, roads, identity, legends, memory


Introduction: This article aims to analyze the intersection of memory, identity and geography in the framework of the mule industry in Ecuador, emphasizing the importance of orality. Memory is considered as a living manifestation, intrinsically linked to social spaces loaded with cultural meanings and perspectives. Orality emerges as a key mechanism for the conservation of collective memory and community identity, enriching itself over time. Materials and Methods: The study adopts a qualitative approach within the hermeneutic-interpretive paradigm from an ethnographic approach. This study uses semi-structured interviews and participant observation, complemented by geographical techniques. Among the main results, it stands out that the narratives, loaded with mythological and fear elements, not only modeled the existence of the muleteers, but also strengthened the oral tradition of the towns, highlighting the dynamic interaction between memory, identity and geography. Results: When analyzing the daily life of the muleteer, it is possible to appreciate a set of knowledge and materialities intrinsic to his work. The need for a pack animal and the use of specific utensils for each type of load and terrain reveal the complexity inherent in its work. Discussion: In the immaterial sphere, legends and narratives, transmitted from generation to generation, constitute a fundamental part of his craft. These stories not only testify to the persistence of certain knowledge, but also play a crucial role in terms of their symbolic value and as mechanisms of social regulation. This network of knowledge and specific cultural practices enriches and complicates the understanding of mule driving as an activity with deep cultural roots. Conclusions: The research concludes that the mule trade, a traditional profession that historically connected different regions of Ecuador through key routes such as the Sígsig-Gualaquiza route, not only faced physical and social challenges, but was also immersed in a rich fabric of local legends.


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How to Cite

Méndez Carchi, N., Mendieta Cabrera, L., Quichimbo Saquichagua, F. F., & Tuntuam Klever, K. J. (2024). Paths, legends, and memory: an ethnographic perspective on the trade of muleteers along the Sígsig-Gualaquiza route, Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 899–909. Retrieved from


