Communication references for business administration


  • Edison Johny Quevedo Zambrano Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador
  • María Vanessa Cano Montesdeoca Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador
  • Paola Gabriela Álava Chichanda Ministerio de Educación, Ecuador
  • Karen Andrea Álava Chichanda Ministerio de Educación, Ecuador


referentes comunicativos; administración de empresas; comunicación comercial


Introduction: Commercial communication for companies consists of transmitting the benefits of the company's services and products in an efficient way that allows potential clients to see themselves reflected and identify what can cover their needs. To do this, it is essential to know what the target customer is demanding, and thus develop a communication that responds to their needs. The main objective of commercial communication is to produce a reaction that brings the end customer closer to the company and thus interfere in their purchasing decisions. Materials and methods: Methods such as analysis and synthesis will be used: to establish the characterization of the object of study and define the theoretical references that support the investigative, hypothetical-deductive process: for the construction of the hypothesis, induction and deduction for the bibliographic analysis, scientific observation: to evaluate the current state of the scientific problem and the characterization of the company under investigation and documentary analysis: to review the information available in the company. The ABC method to classify customers and suppliers. Group work techniques, expert criteria, surveys, as well as computer programs and the use of new technologies for information processing and the preparation of tables and graphs will be used. Results: Today, the possibility that technology has opened up to us through what we call business intelligence, which represents the ability to transform data into information and knowledge, allows us to have sufficient information to make decisions and have greater success when selecting where, when and how to communicate a product or service with the objective of selling. Discussion: The message you want to communicate has to be aligned with the sales arguments and the selected media and thus not disconcert the end customer. The message must be clear, precise and simple, avoiding technicalities for a better understanding, as well as descriptive, showing the strengths of the product or service offered. Furthermore, we have gone from mass communication to personalized communication, adapting the interlocutor and directing them to the commercial purpose you pursue; without forgetting the relevance of the place or time being the most appropriate. Conclusions: To implement commercial communication from business administration and take advantage of it, it is essential to have experts who advise to achieve optimal results and achieve sales.


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How to Cite

Quevedo Zambrano, E. J., Cano Montesdeoca, M. V., Álava Chichanda, P. G., & Álava Chichanda, K. A. (2024). Communication references for business administration. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 855–860. Retrieved from


