Innovative technological training: training alternative for the student in technical and professional education


  • Ilsia Rodríguez Leonard Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • José Angel Gómez Pato Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Reinaldo Castro Cisneros Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Carlos Hernández Hechavarria Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Vocational training, innovation, innovative technological training, innovative technological competence


Introduction: The following research is related to the study of innovative technological training in students of Technical and Vocational Education (ETP), in the specialty of Transportation Operation through the school-company link, based on the demands of the conditions. current. In this sense, an important factor to consider is the implication that technological change has in the conception of the training process of a competent technician, represented curricularly in the modes of action in the solution of diverse and changing professional problems. Materials and methods: From a theoretical point of view, the method: Analysis and synthesis was used to study the state of the art of the theoretical foundations that support technological innovation. Furthermore, the pedagogical foundations assumed from the perspective of exteriority. The application of techniques such as surveys of students, tutors, as well as interviews with professors, advisors and directors of polytechnic centers; together with direct observation of the development of the insertion process in companies and work activity, allowed us to show the lack of a perspective that integrates the theoretical conceptions of the training process in production and service companies, which reveals the lack of understanding of essential links between the stages of labor insertion. Results: Which implies arguing and deepening technological innovation as a perspective to create the change that is projected from the 2030 agenda that favors the development of innovative technological competence in students for better performance in their context of professional action, objective of the present article. Discussion: The innovative technological training of the student expressed in the transcendent way of acting with which he or she appropriates knowledge, skills and values in accordance with the demands of the context in which they perform becomes increasingly important. Promoting changes in actions that correspond to what is required today in the international market from the training process is vital in the professional training of the average technician in Transport Operations supported by the close link that must exist in the polytechnic school-company context. Conclusions: To ensure students have innovative technological competence that not only promotes: motivation, creativity and learning to solve diverse and changing problems. But rather it stimulates, prepares and develops their training towards change as the essence of active and transformative learning.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Leonard, I., Gómez Pato, J. A., Castro Cisneros, R., & Hernández Hechavarria, C. (2024). Innovative technological training: training alternative for the student in technical and professional education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 825–831. Retrieved from


