The Life Improvement Approach as a self-management tool for sustainable community development in Asunción Nochixtlán, Oaxaca


  • Héctor Josué Pérez Castillo Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, México
  • Mónica Cristina Rodríguez Palacio Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, México
  • María Teresa Magallón Diez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, México
  • Agner Guerrero Sandoval Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, México


Life Improvement Approach (LME), seikatsu kaizen, extensionism, self-management


Introduction: The life improvement movement (EMV) emerged after World War II in rural Japan, which allowed the country's economic development to improve. With the methodology of the life improvement approach (Seikatsu Kaizen), the rural population of Japan changed the vision of accepting the conditions their country was going through. Materials and methods: This research proposes to resume this methodology in three communities of the municipality of Asunción Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, as an alternative model that helps develop self-management capabilities, allowing the population competitiveness and access to educational and organizational innovations by incorporating these actions in your life, with the aim of identifying and addressing your individual and group needs. Results: The government trained people in this life improvement approach, from public health nurses and nutrition experts to address the health and nutrition problems of the rural population of Japan. Extension workers were trained, the foundations of teamwork, collective consciousness and personal motivation were established, so producers decided to manage and plan their own activities, which is why the life improvement movement was successful. Discussion: In this sense, Mexico received support from Japan to train public officials on the topic of Life Improvement, with the task of carrying out actions to implement and operate said EMV. The Government of Mexico carried out training for families with the objective of appropriating the methodology, as well as managing and operating their own projects. Conclusions: Many rural communities have been forgotten not only by the actions of the government but also by their own members, associated with the imposition of projects that have not had the expected results due to the statistics of each administration.


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How to Cite

Pérez Castillo, H. J., Rodríguez Palacio, M. C., Magallón Diez, M. T., & Guerrero Sandoval, A. (2024). The Life Improvement Approach as a self-management tool for sustainable community development in Asunción Nochixtlán, Oaxaca. Maestro Y Sociedad, 159–163. Retrieved from