Messaging application for activating community safety systems via Internet of Things


  • Diego Paúl Corrales Vargas Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Byron Pául Corrales Bastidas Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Mauro Darío Albarracín Alvárez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador
  • Jorge Esteban Ramírez Jimenez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador


technological innovation, artificial intelligence, vulnerable groups, IoT, security


Introduction: This work focuses on the development of a device aimed at neighborhood safety as an activity of connection with society, addressing the lines of health, well-being, education, innovation and technology. Taking as a starting point the World Health Organization's definition of health which mentions that it is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not only the absence of illnesses or diseases" it can be said that the insecurity experienced neighborhoods and the country in general, makes healthy coexistence impossible, from which the problems surrounding a good life originate. Materials and methods: The research-linkage project through which the system has been developed allows the remote activation of sirens through the use of IoT. The use of artificial intelligence based on the use of bots created in the Telegram messaging application allows the person and the system activation scenario to be recognized. Results: From the statistics collected, it is determined that the elderly are one of the vulnerable groups as a priority and when analyzing that they are those who do not have access to the use of technology. Discussion: It is detailed that the subline to be discussed is innovation in communication technologies that are key to improving the well-being of vulnerable social sectors by resorting to academia to solve the problems present in the reality of each social group. Conclusions: The percentage of activations by command showed that 59% of incidents are due to sex workers in the Antonia Vela neighborhood located in the commercial sector of the Latacunga canton, indicating that each specific area required its own security commands that adhere to to the social reality in which they develop, thus allowing them to resolve their common problem with certainty.


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How to Cite

Corrales Vargas, D. P., Corrales Bastidas, B. P., Albarracín Alvárez, M. D., & Ramírez Jimenez, J. E. (2024). Messaging application for activating community safety systems via Internet of Things. Maestro Y Sociedad, 89–98. Retrieved from