Project Enjoy Learning Vocabulary by Playing Bingo


  • Ana Quinonez Beltran Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
  • Elsa Morocho Cuenca Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador
  • Carmen Benítez Correa Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador


learning, video game, English vocabulary


Introduction: The Enjoy Learning Vocabulary by Playing BINGO project aimed to strengthen the English vocabulary learning of Middle Basic General Education (EGB) students through the video game Bingo. 165 students of Practicum 2 of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages program participated in the open and distance modality. Materials and methods: The practitioners taught vocabulary topics (verbs, food, clothing, hobbies, and adjectives) to 826 children from public educational institutions in different provinces of the country. Techniques such as pre-test, post-test and survey were applied for data collection. Results: The results showed that the use of the video game had a positive impact on the participants' vocabulary learning. Additionally, they expressed their positive perceptions about the use of the video game because they found it fun and motivating; Therefore, they would like to continue using it in their vocabulary learning. Discussion: Vocabulary becomes the basis to enhance speaking, listening, reading and writing in English; Therefore, its acquisition and learning has become the interest of the people involved in the teaching-learning process. Conclusions: The project allowed practitioners to innovate in their teaching experience through the use of technological resources and to develop their skills according to the career profile.


Alagözlü, N & Kiymazarslan V. (2020). Current Perspectives on Vocabulary Learning and Teaching. Scholars Publishers.

Diamond, L., & Gutlohn, L. (2006). Teaching vocabulary. Retrieved from http://www. readingrockets. org/article/teaching-vocabulary.

lgort, (2018). Elgort, I. (2018). Teaching/developing vocabulary using ICTs and digital resources. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1-15.

Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador. (2021, Noviembre 10). El Ministerio de Educación garantiza el acceso a la educación para todos los niños, niñas y jóvenes inscritos en el ciclo Costa.



How to Cite

Quinonez Beltran, A., Morocho Cuenca, E., & Benítez Correa, C. (2024). Project Enjoy Learning Vocabulary by Playing Bingo. Maestro Y Sociedad, 68–71. Retrieved from