The protection of victims in the Ecuadorian criminal system: an analysis of the rules and procedures
Protection of victims, criminal system, criminal rules and procedures, protection measures.Abstract
Introduction: This article has aimed to analyze the rules and procedures of the Ecuadorian criminal system in relation to the protection of victims, in order to identify the challenges and opportunities to improve their protection and assistance in the criminal process. Materials and methods: Using a qualitative and exploratory methodology, a deductive-inductive and dogmatic approach is used, with direct observation and analysis of information. The results highlight the normative foundation that supports the protection of victims, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Fundamental Principles of Justice for Victims, the Rome Statute and the Santiago Guides. Results: In Ecuador, they are reflected in the Constitution, the Organic Law of the Public Ministry and the Comprehensive Organic Penal Code. Regulations have been implemented to improve the efficiency of the system. The article also points out the evolution of the role of the victim in the criminal process, going from a privileged status to recognition as a procedural subject. Discussion: However, although progress has been made, deficiencies persist in the effective application of protection measures, which leaves victims in a vulnerable situation. Conclusions: Therefore, the conclusions emphasize the importance of continuing to strengthen legislation and public policies to ensure the well-being of victims and prevent the persistence of human rights violations.
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