Critical analysis of the criminal execution system in Ecuador: Rehabilitation regimes and legal challenges


  • José Vinicio López Torres Consejo de la Judicatura de Guayaquil, Ecuador


Criminal enforcement system, social rehabilitation regimes, administration of justice


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to analyze the Ecuadorian criminal execution system through the application of penitentiary rehabilitation regimes, investigating various doctrines, regulations and national jurisprudence. Materials and methods: The methodology applied was qualitative, through the application of different investigative methods such as analytical, inductive-deductive, legal exegetical and critical, which allowed us to achieve an updated and broad notion about the importance of regimes. stipulated as benefits for the social reintegration of those deprived of liberty. Results: The investigation revealed that, when requesting a change of regime, doubts and contradictions arise as a consequence of the interpretation of the norm by the judges, in which the principle of favorability has predominated over of the normative content that regulates this matter. Discussion: Judicial decisions have been made based on personal criteria of the administration of justice and not on the exclusive requirement of the requirements that national legislation requires for the execution of this process. Conclusions: Therefore, the National Court of Justice, given this background and due to the open justice policy that is disseminated in Ecuador, issued resolution No. 01-2022, the content of which exposes solutions so that the decisions of the judges and understandable and available to the general population and exclusively attached to the constitutional principles and other laws that intervene in the penitentiary system.


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How to Cite

López Torres, J. V. (2024). Critical analysis of the criminal execution system in Ecuador: Rehabilitation regimes and legal challenges. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 538–545. Retrieved from


