The historical pedagogical process of Early Childhood education in Santiago de Cuba from 1902 to 2010


  • Rosa María Heredia Heredia Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Irelis de la Caridad Escalona Vázquez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Liyanet García Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


strategy; training; childhood; procedures; legitimation


Introduction: The rescue of the historical-pedagogical roots provides a system of knowledge to Cuban pedagogy that allows a reconstruction of important periods that education has gone through. The research carried out on the history of education is called to emphasize more on local or territorial studies, in their particularities, without forgetting the relationship between the general national historical-pedagogical and the particular regional historical-pedagogical. Taking into account the above, the objective is to develop a pedagogical strategy for the study of the historical-pedagogical process of early childhood education in Santiago de Cuba from 1902 to 2010. Materials and methods: For the systematization, methods and methods were used. research techniques at the theoretical, empirical and mathematical level, such as: analysis and synthesis; induction-deduction; historical-logical. At the same time, modeling was used as a material-theoretical instrument of research that enables the reproduction of the part of the objective reality studied; the systemic-structural method. Results: The pedagogical strategy for implementing the systematization of the historical-pedagogical process of local early childhood education constitutes a tool that makes the legitimation method and its systematizing procedures viable in the undergraduate training of students of the Bachelor's degree in Education. Preschool. In turn, the assessment of the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy revealed a satisfactory trend in the development of the main transformations in the modes of action that occur in the undergraduate training process of students, according to the demands of the professional model. Discussion: The historical-pedagogical process of early childhood education in Santiago de Cuba has been studied, in a general way, by researchers from the territory, although limitations are evident in the systematizing ways and procedures of the historical-pedagogical evolution of said educational level. Conclusions: The pedagogical strategy favors the treatment of curricular strategies for the improvement of the use of the mother tongue, computing, history of Cuba, history of the profession, pedagogical training; among others, as well as the achievement of the social mandate of the career: the comprehensive training of the early childhood education professional.


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How to Cite

Heredia Heredia, R. M., Escalona Vázquez, I. de la C., & García Rodríguez, L. (2024). The historical pedagogical process of Early Childhood education in Santiago de Cuba from 1902 to 2010. Maestro Y Sociedad, 1–11. Retrieved from

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