Socio-emotional education in the teaching-learning process of the third year of basic education


  • Pamela Lizeth Carrasco Guerra Unidad Educativa "José Ignacio Ordóñez" de Pelileo, Ecuador
  • Isrrael Bryan Piguave Alvarado Unidad Educativa Grancolombiano de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Roger Martínez Isaac Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Segunda Elena Tolozano Benites Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


socioemotional development; learning; competencies; socio-emotional skills


The objective of this research is to analyze the importance of socio-emotional education in the teaching-learning process of third-year children of the José Ignacio Ordoñez Educational Unit of the Pelileo canton. To meet this objective, a qualitative methodology was used. quantitative, in the first instance the categories were conceptualized, in addition tables were prepared from statistical data that contributed to the analysis, interpretation and discussion of results. The type of research was applied because it allows us to better understand how emotional and social factors can influence student learning. The technique used was the survey directed at elementary school students and the interview directed at teachers, whose instrument was a questionnaire. The population we worked with was 28 students and 6 teachers. The results obtained demonstrate that socioemotional education plays a fundamental role in the teaching and learning process, since it promotes the comprehensive development of students by addressing their social and emotional skills. This educational dimension recognizes that it is not only about acquiring academic knowledge, but also about cultivating emotional and social competencies that are essential for success in life and building healthy relationships. In this context, the proposal to create effective methodological strategies for socio-emotional education becomes highly relevant and produces great results. These strategies seek to foster emotional awareness, self-regulation, empathy, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making in students.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Guerra , P. L., Piguave Alvarado, I. B., Martínez Isaac, R., & Tolozano Benites, S. E. (2024). Socio-emotional education in the teaching-learning process of the third year of basic education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 380–393. Retrieved from


