The racial problem. Characterization in Cuba from the discipline Education for the civic life"


  • Lisset Suárez Fernández Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Valia Leal Rosales Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Julia Esther Céspedes Acuña Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Ángel Luis Cintra Lugones Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Basic Secondary Education, Discipline Education for Citizen Life, racial problems, citizen training


Introduction: Citizen education constitutes a topic of transcendental significance in the context of today's world, and the racial issue as a social problem in Cuba is inserted in education from various levels. The proposal addresses the treatment behavior from the teaching in Basic Secondary School specifically from the discipline “Education for citizen life”. Materials and methods: The article presents a characterization of the historical evolution for which theoretical level methods such as analysis-synthesis and historical-logical analysis were used, which allowed the delimitation of two major stages in its conception, associated with the professional improvement of the teacher. of Education for Citizen Life of Basic Secondary Education around racial problems. Results: This contributed to theoretically supporting the Project: “Racial identity and cultural practices approaches from current Cuban society”, in which the main authors are inserted. Discussion: Moral and civic education must be able to translate revolutionary heroic ethics into individual sensitivity, knowledge and conviction, as well as form the points of view and moral values from which to practically and evaluatively assume the situations of daily life. Conclusions: It is observed in the first stage that, despite the continuous efforts of the Ministry of Education, the Development in this stage of professional improvement aimed at Civic Education teachers was insufficient. There were limited courses to update knowledge related to the theoretical, pedagogical and didactic aspects, which would allow general and specific preparation.


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How to Cite

Suárez Fernández, L., Leal Rosales, V., Céspedes Acuña, J. E., & Cintra Lugones, Ángel L. (2024). The racial problem. Characterization in Cuba from the discipline Education for the civic life". Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 356–363. Retrieved from


