Family guidance: an alternative for care of schools with behavioral alterations


  • Yuliensi Matos Sotomayor Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Odalys Piña Batista Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


behavioral disorders, primary school and family counseling


Introduction: Family guidance is a continuous, gradual and progressive process in the establishment of certain home-school relationships that occurs throughout the life cycle of people, from the earliest ages. In Cuba this process is carried out adequately, providing attention to behavioral alterations from the moment our students join the institutions; However, the desired level is not achieved in primary school, considering inadequacies in their families to prevent behavioral alterations in the "Juan Bautista Jiménez Torres" Primary School. Materials and methods: Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used in the research. The results offered are evidenced in a system of actions for the family counseling process as an alternative to care for students with behavioral disorders. Result: The family guidance actions proposed contribute to the improvement of this process in Primary Education, from a broader approach, with a vision, a coherent, unifying and integrating model that shows decisions in the present and in the future of the new generations. Discussion: Family counseling is the communication process where certain home-school relationships are established that make it possible to diagnose family problems and address them on objective bases and their specific particularities, in a continuous process that aims to prepare them for efficient execution of their educational-training work. Conclusions: The system of actions gradually promoted the orientation of families to successfully face the education of their children, ensuring the development of skills in the successful conduct of action models in terms of mitigating the level of deterioration as an unfavorable behavior for The development of personality.


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How to Cite

Matos Sotomayor, Y., & Piña Batista, O. (2024). Family guidance: an alternative for care of schools with behavioral alterations. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 348–355. Retrieved from


