Pedagogical practice in students of the Bachelor of Education Geography degree with an ecological approach


  • Rogelio Voltaire Basil Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Geovanis Kens Basil Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Graimiris Fuentes Heredia Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba


pedagogical practice, ecological approach, didactic relational ecology


Introduction: On a global scale, the 60s inaugurated transformations in the most varied areas of people's lives. When talking about the ecological approach, reference is basically made to the relationship between the individual and their relationship with the environment, taking into account the environment. His unit of attention is man in his multiple social roles, his interactions with the group and with the environment, which includes social, political, commercial institutions, etc.; which also links his belonging to a culture, an ethnic group and a social class. Materials and methods: The work is aimed at addressing one of the thematic lines that are necessary in the training of Geography Education professionals, which is why it represents their preparation in pedagogical practice. From this vision, the ecological approach is introduced to offer an integrative perspective on the relationship that is expressed between the phenomena of nature and society. Results: Thus, the procedures offered favor the training of the Geography teacher and put them in conditions in the pedagogical practice of treating the geographical content from a comprehensive ecological approach, contextualized to the current geographical reality. Discussion: Taking Didactic Relational Ecology as a reference, which has its foundation in Didactics itself as a science that supports the logic of the contents of the comprehensive training of the Geography professional. Conclusions: An integrative logic is then achieved in charge of generating the necessary didactic impulses in the specialty of Geography.


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How to Cite

Voltaire Basil, R., Kens Basil, G., & Fuentes Heredia, G. (2024). Pedagogical practice in students of the Bachelor of Education Geography degree with an ecological approach. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 342–347. Retrieved from


