Heritage education: vision of past, present and future


  • Ailén Fonseca Martínez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


heritage education, knowledge, communication, safeguarding, strategic program


Introduction: Studies related to heritage education are enriched with new concepts and categories from different disciplines and sciences. Hence, it is essential to recognize the approaches of the academy as a teaching, scientific and innovative  institution in its interaction with society and contribution to knowledge, communication and safeguarding of heritage. In this direction, the article systematizes theoretical and methodological references for the understanding of heritage education. Materials and methods: materials and methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, such as: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and bibliographic or documentary research. Results: The study offers a strategic program for heritage education that favors the development of research related to this topic, from the appropriate didactic parameters to the different educational spaces. Discussion: Amon the actions that are carried out at an international level for heritage education are those directly linked to its protection and enhancement, through informal networks of higher education institutions. Thus, it is possible to carry out exchanges between students and teachers, in addition to sharing activities and projects. Conclusions: The evaluation of learning, the effectiveness of the procedures, the effectiveness of the didactic strategies or the educational context themselves are a guarantee of improvement in heritage education.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Martínez, A. (2024). Heritage education: vision of past, present and future. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 242–247. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6360


