Methodological vision in strategic personnel management, tactics and relationship with human resources


  • Inocêncio José Lumbo Dombaxe Universidade Agostinho Neto, Angola


strategic management, tactics, human resources


Strategies are successful tools that allow you to provide a response that matches any institution that competes in the market or the vision of its objectives in reaffirming its purpose. We understand as a methodological vision the strategic procedures that allow improving the company's functionality in relation to its competitors, in such a way that in this work are the strategic management indicators, its administrative vision and strategy that allows improving personnel management with concrete actions that value the human potential as the center of any company. This work demonstrates the author's methodological vision regarding the study of the market, how to compete and how to value human potential as it is the driver of the company's successes, despite examples of how to improve work performance through strategic management and focusing on purposes that guide the company's vision and values, how to compete in the market how to manage personnel replacement plans, professional capacity and skills in the company's operation, tactics and forms of recruitment according to individual and group capabilities according to competitive strategies For this reason, its objective is to instruct through a methodological vision with indicators of strategic, tactical management and market positioning.


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How to Cite

Lumbo Dombaxe, I. J. (2024). Methodological vision in strategic personnel management, tactics and relationship with human resources. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 183–193. Retrieved from


