Valuation criterion for scientific activity from an academic perspective


  • Inocêncio José Lumbo Dombaxe Universidade Agostinho Neto, Angola


Criterion, Perspective, scientific activity


This investigative work addresses a topic of great importance in the academic and scientific community, where most professionals are found with great interest and motivation in the world of scientific research. Indispensable instrument
for conducting scientific activity as a complex, systemic and methodological process. The present work aims to develop actions that demonstrate some criteria and methods used in the preparation of investigative work with the procedures recommended in the APA standard, and distinguishing an investigative work and a methodological work whose procedures are similar but are not the same thing.


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How to Cite

Lumbo Dombaxe, I. J. (2023). Valuation criterion for scientific activity from an academic perspective. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 1174–1180. Retrieved from


