Technological innovation and ethics in the development of web applications: an interdisciplinary analysis


  • Lenin Wladimir Tapia Ortiz Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario "España", Ecuador


Web Applications, Technological innovation, ethics


Web applications are tools that allow operations to be carried out from a computer through the use of the Internet, reducing the time spent on each activity. This is one of the positive aspects that has allowed the acceptance and usability of this type of software by users. This research was carried out in a documentary style to determine the interdisciplinarity between technological innovation and ethics in the development of web applications. The articles consulted were compiled from the Google Scholar database, SciELO, Latindex, Dialnet and some repositories of Latin American universities. For the search, previously selected descriptors were used such as: web applications, technological innovation, ethics.


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How to Cite

Tapia Ortiz, L. W. (2023). Technological innovation and ethics in the development of web applications: an interdisciplinary analysis. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 1038–1041. Retrieved from


