Program to enhance transcendent motivation in workers of the “José Soler Puig” Literary Promotion Center


  • Disney Aldeide Cala Arce Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yansy Sánchez Fernández Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Sandra Roget Albertí Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


organizational psychology; motivation; transcendent motivation


This work is carried out with the aim of promoting work motivation in the workers of the Center for Literary Promotion
"José Soler Puig". With a systematization of the theories on motivation and work motivation, the indicators were specified,
depending on the study: motivational factors and hygienic factors, types of needs, types of motivation and degree of
satisfaction. They, supported by a mixed methodology with a predominance of the qualitative approach, supported the
implementation of the Psychosocial Intervention Program: "Motivation, a path towards organizational effectiveness",
to intervene in the problems presented at the Center. Of a total of eleven, the sample used was eight workers, in which
it was possible to promote awareness of their potential and limitations within the Organization. In addition, that they
understand the importance of their role within the Center in order to achieve organizational effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Cala Arce, D. A., Sánchez Fernández, Y., & Roget Albertí, S. (2023). Program to enhance transcendent motivation in workers of the “José Soler Puig” Literary Promotion Center. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 976–990. Retrieved from




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